Spencer Finch Commission
Site specific installation of three Tomas Saraceno suspended sculptures
Pae White Commission
Phillippe Decrauzat
Edward Weston
Black & Wite photographs
Anish Kapoor suite of prints
Laurant Grasso
Dashiell Manley
Samuel Levi Jones
Daniel Buren
Eileen Quinlan
Joe Downing, Jolynn Krostocek and Frank Stella
Louisa Mattisdottir
Anish Kapoor suite of prints
Michael Mazur
Jaume Plensa
Emil Lukas
Vik Muniz
Paul WInstanley
Ray David Bradley
Andrew Mansfield and Anne Tabachinck
Anya Bierger
Gideon Rubin
Andre Kertesz
Robert Janitz
Paul Winstanley
Isle De Hollander, Irma Blanck
Paul Willinsky
Uwe Kowski
Karel Funk
For Tracy, 1992
Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, New York
3 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn
Cloud, 2008
Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Jill Moser
Judy Pfaff and Katy Stone
four panels from Chimbote series, 1950
The Bruce Museum and Science Center, Greenwich, Ct.
Keith Haring Mural fragment from FIorucci Milan store